Ford invested $500M + Amazon’s $700M = Rivian EVs Road Ahead & “Tesla’s Worst Nightmare”
- Rivian – startup company building new class of EVs, specifically…EAVs – high-performance Electric Adventure Vehicles.
- $1 Billion of investments from Ford and Amazon
- Business model & decisions resembling traditional vehicle makers i.e. non-Tesla tech model
So WHY did Rivian choose this specific niche market?
I think the answer, part of it is obvious on the surface. You know, it’s a white space. There’s nothing out there. We’re here at Overland, and we’re the first electric vehicle ever to be here. We’re the first electric adventure vehicle in existence. And I think when you look at some of those things, it’s a really exciting place for us, but the reality is, it’s core to our DNA. It’s core to who we are. – Brian Gase, Rivian, Body Engineer